Available in several flavors, protein bars are all the rage … but they are not all of the same value! Indeed, many do not contain enough fiber or whole grains, while others are too fat or too sweet. So how do you make the right choice when it comes to losing weight by following a protein diet? At the Healthy Weight Clinic, we know that everything is a question of balance and quality. To see more clearly, read the following article!
If you are on a weight loss diet, it is important that you change your habits, especially if you are very physically active, so that you are getting enough protein while reducing your calorie count. To choose a quality protein bar that will help you lose weight in a healthy way, check the amounts of the following 4 ingredients on the Nutrition Facts labels.
1. Proteins
Protein plays an important role during a weight loss diet: in addition to being low in calories, they quickly fill you up and help maintain muscle mass. Ideally, the protein content of the bar should be around 15g.
2. Carbohydrates
Choose a protein bar that has more protein than net carbs (without fiber and natural sweeteners). If the bar is too sweet, your body will not experience the benefits of protein – it will be like a regular cereal bar!
3. Calories
The lower the calorie content of your protein bar, the better off you will be! Some products contain over 400 calories which is way too high to help you lose weight if your weight loss diet is limited to 1,500 or 1,800 calories per day!
4. Lipids
Fat is essential for the normal functioning of the human body, but its amount should be limited during a protein diet. As for trans fats, it is better to ban them.
In summary, choose a bar that is low in calories and high in protein, containing quality ingredients and free of trans fat. You will find a whole selection of protein bars in our online store.
For advice on a protein diet that is right for you, contact us or drop by. The Healthy Weight Clinic has 14 branches in Quebec – there is certainly one in your region!