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Like it or not, there is no such thing as food parity! Muscle mass, calorie needs and metabolism of men and women are fundamentally different. Therefore, their food needs are not the same. At the Healthy Weight Clinic, whether you are in Laval, Gatineau or elsewhere in Quebec, we can offer you a balanced diet plan that takes these differences into account. Find out by reading on!

Calorie needs by sex and age

According to Canada’s Food Guide, the amount of food and energy the body needs varies with sex, age and level of physical activity. For example, if you are a 32-year-old sedentary woman, you need around 1,800 calories per day; if you are moderately active, you need almost 400 more.

By comparison, a 32-year-old man needs 2350 calories if he is sedentary and 2600 calories if he is moderately active. In addition, when dieting, a woman should reduce her daily intake to 1,400 or 1,500 calories compared to around 1,800 for a man.

The stages of life

Nutritional needs also vary according to the stages of life, particularly in women. For example, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, she needs about 2,550 calories per day and a multivitamin containing at least 400 micrograms (0.4 mg) of folic acid and between 16 and 20 mg of iron.

Foods to choose for healthy weight loss

When trying to shed extra pounds, it’s important to eat foods high in protein and fiber, such as nuts, fish, tofu, and legumes. In addition to being satiating, they provide stable energy, speed up metabolism and promote rapid weight loss. Again, the ideal amounts will vary depending on your age, gender, and level of physical activity!

Want to lose weight safely? Come meet us!

Whether you want to lose weight or adopt a balanced diet, know that at the Healthy Weight Clinic, we can offer you a diet plan that is perfectly suited to your needs. For personalized service and sound advice, contact us or come to one of our clinics located in several cities in Quebec!