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Do you suffer from emotional eating when you are prey to various feelings (sadness, anger, loneliness, boredom, pleasure, etc.)? Everyone does it one day or another without thinking too much about it! Have you ever realized that you are heading towards the pantry or refrigerator as soon as you are upset, sad or cheerful? When you are emotional, you turn to foods high in fat and sweet (they are sources of pleasure and comfort because of experiences gained since childhood). You suffer from emotional eating.

To counter this situation, start to identify the emotions and situations that triggered your need to eat. Then you understand your behavior better and you can change your habits more easily and find solutions. Also, write down what you feel. It allows you to become more aware of your emotions, your dissatisfaction and the needs you are looking to fill.

Then ask yourself, “Am I really hungry?” (Hollowing in the stomach, gurgling, discomfort), or do I compensate my emotional need with food?  Learn to recognize the signs of an emotional hunger compared to a real hunger.

Finally, when you feel an overflow of emotions, stay calm, take a deep breath, find solutions to distract you or to cheer you up. Make a list of simple, easy and accessible activities that you can do if the tension is too high or can’t control the desire for food. For example: listen to music, read a book, crosswords, exercises, etc . Sometimes the feeling of hunger fades out by itself after a few minutes. Learn to live better and manage your emotions so you feel better. Some people get there alone but you may need psychological help if your emotions are too deep.

Healthy Weight Clinic encourages you to find sustainable solutions to achieve and maintain your long-term health weight. You can reach us on our website at, by e-mail at: or on our toll-free line at 1-888-853-9898