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Breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day. In addition to playing an important role in controlling appetite throughout the day, it also helps limit nibbling between meals. A balanced breakfast improves intellectual performance, concentration and memorization.

After eight to ten hours of sleep, the body must restore energy after a period of fasting. The glucose reserves are then at their lowest level.

It is out of question to go to work on an empty belly with only a cup of coffee. It involves taking at least three of the four food groups in the “Canada Food Guide” for a balanced breakfast.


A nutritious breakfast could be composed for example of the following elements:

One slice of whole grain bread, one boiled egg and one pear


175 mL (¾ cup) oatmeal, ½ cup (125 mL) 1% milk and a banana


You are in a hurry and you run out of time in the morning to prepare yourself a good breakfast? You should at least replace your meal with a protein supplement. This will help you control your hunger and help you stay intellectually alert.


You would like to take a snack or replace a meal occasionally with a protein supplement? We offer a wide range of products on our website:


Healthy Weight Clinic encourages you to have a good breakfast in the morning and to develop healthy eating habits. Our team of health professionals offers you the necessary coaching to get there.


Reach us on our toll-free line at: 1-888-853-9898 or by e-mail at: