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Want to lose weight? At the Healthy Weight Clinic, we know that to achieve this, it is necessary to change your lifestyle. Thus, to obtain rapid and lasting results, we recommend, among other things, the adoption of a diet rich in protein supplements as well as regular exercise. Do you lack the motivation to move? Read this article in which we explain how endorphins production and exercise are your accomplices for healthy weight loss!

What are endorphins?

Produced by the pituitary and hypothalamus, 2 small glands located in the brain, endorphins are often called “happiness hormones.” When these are secreted into your system, you experience great well-being for several minutes or even an hour. Endorphins have anti-stress and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties that you can easily become “addicted” to!

How do we manage to produce endorphins?

Happiness hormones don’t magically appear in your brain! It takes special circumstances to start secreting it. Here are some examples :

How can participating in sport help me reach my ideal weight?

Dieting requires making certain sacrifices, which can lead to frustration and discouragement. And when we deprive ourselves of foods that are good for us psychologically, we can quickly be tempted to give up the game … That said, if you include sport in your schedule, you increase the chances of completing your diet! Here are 5 benefits of being physically active:

  1. You are less stressed thanks to the release of endorphins, which reduces your overwhelming urges to “eat your emotions”;
  2. You are more motivated to eat well, since a poor diet cancels out the positive effects of exercise;
  3. You see your silhouette stand out, because sport “melts” your fat while firming your muscles;
  4. You can continue to fill your plates, as you burn calories while exercising;
  5. You activate your metabolism, which thwarts the fat storage process.

Need a helping hand to lose weight – and keep it off? Contact your Healthy Weight Clinic!